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Vortex Mill

Harness a TORNADO to your Mill     

If you are looking for

  •          A better particle size reduction, micronizing, grinding, pulverizing or milling technology

  •        Reduced milling and maintenance cost

  •          Homogeneous particle size distribution

  •         Reduced tails of coarse or super fine particle size

  •         A specific particle size or particle size distribution

  •         Micron or sub-micron particle size

or have a material that is difficult to grind using available pulverizing technologies


The VORTEX MILL may be the answer


The VORTEX MILL is an innovative, patented milling technology. The mill, which does not have moving parts, reduces the size of a wide range of materials - from very soft materials such as plastics and rubber to very hard materials such as Zirconia and Boron Nitride - to micron and sub-micron particles, in a single step, continuous process. This technology is based on creating vortex spinning, tornado-like and aerodynamic conditions within the milling chamber.  It offers unprecedented advantages in terms of both powder quality and energy consumption.








Versatility:     Pulverizes a wide range of materials

Particle size: Micronizes to micron and sub-micron size

Efficiency:     Provides an impressive milling ratio of up to 1:1000



Quality -      Purity: The raw material is not contaminated

          Ultra-fine Powder: Non-mechanical pulverizing system results

          in greatly reduced quantities of unwanted ultra-fine powder

     Economy -   Low Energy Consumption: Low pressure work regime of up to

                          6 Bars at a low airflow rate, means low energy consumption          

     High Efficiency: High pulverizing coefficient of up to 1000;

     A single stage pulverizing process delivers super fine powders;

     Minimum maintenance - The compact system with no moving

    parts greatly reduces maintenance costs

All you need to do is to send us your specifications.

If this technology is considered suitable to your needs, we will ask you to provide a sample of your material(s). An initial laboratory milling trial will be conducted free of charge and the pulverized sample returned to you for your evaluation.

To read more about the advantages of the Vortex Mill technology go to Vortex Mill Advantages

To read more about the industries where the vortex mill has been used go to Vortex Mill Uses

Examples: Plastics

Examples: Food/Cosmetics

Examples: Pigments/Fillers/Additives

Examples: Ceramics

Contact us at tornado@hydan.com or fill in the following form:  

My Project Needs Are:


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Hydan Technologies, Inc.

11 Wycombe Way

Princeton Junction, NJ 08550

Phone: 609-423-4164
Copyright © 1999-2014 Hydan Technologies, Inc.

Rheology Advantage® and Grow with the Flow®
are registered Trademarks of
Hydan Technologies, Inc.